My mother will tell you that I hold long and hard onto holiday traditions. Case in point - the advent calendar. We had a big advent calendar on our wall each Christmas season and each day had a pocket that held a little piece of paper. Every morning my brother and I would race to the calendar to see what piece of joy the paper held. Sometimes it said "A Christmas Treat!" which might be a little debbie christmas tree cupcake (yes, I still love them, bought them at target yesterday in fact) or "Go get our Christmas tree!" or, on December 24th each year it would say: "Read a Christmas story together". Needless to say, my poor Mother had to keep buying treats for this tradition long into our adult years. Last year she gave the advent calendar to me, and while Zane is still a little young to care about the fun goodies and events that might be tucked into the pockets, I am just overjoyed at thinking about the fun we will have together in Decembers to come.
If I were filling out those little pieces of paper already, last Sunday's would have said "Christmas Time in the City!". Enjoying Christmas in the city (with a trip to Center City Macy's and their annual Dicken's Village display) is a tradition that Mahmood and I started before Zane was born, and we got to share it with him for the first time this year. Sharing this with Zane and watching him take in all the lights and sounds was so much fun and isn't that what traditions are all about anyway?